Services & Programs

Internet Child Exploitation (ICE) Counselling Program

The Internet Child Exploitation (ICE) Counselling Program is a counselling referral and funding program established by the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services, and administered by Victim Services of Stormont, Dundas, Glengarry and Akwesasne.

The Program is available to children and youth throughout the Province of Ontario who have experienced exploitation involving the use of technology (not necessarily or solely through the Internet), as well as to their impacted family members.

The ICE Program provides referrals to short-term counselling for child and youth victims of Internet exploitation and to their impacted family members. If you are a victim, you can refer yourself to the program or be referred to the program by someone you trust – a teacher, police officer or victim services worker.

The Program provides services in French to clients who live in designated regions under the French Language Services Act; provides culturally-appropriate services for diverse clients, including Indigenous clients and interpretation services for clients who request services in languages other than English or French; and can accommodate the needs of clients with disabilities.

Program Eligibility

Services under the Program will be considered for applicants who meet all of the following eligibility criteria:

  • The applicant is a victim of ICE or an impacted family member of such a victim. However, if an impacted family member has a current charge or a previous conviction for an offence against a child (even if it is not an ICE offence), he/she would not qualify for the Program;
  • The primary residence of the applicant is in Ontario;
  • The applicant is in need of counselling services;
  • The applicant has not previously received comparable funding from the Program or another government program, such as the Victim Quick Response Program+, for the same occurrence;
  • The applicant has not been charged regarding the reported occurrence; and
  • There are no other resources available to meet the applicant’s immediate need that provide funding comparable to that of the Program (e.g., private insurance plan, or other publicly funded services).

Referrals to the Program

The Program will consider referrals received directly from an applicant or from individuals or referral sources completing the application on behalf of an applicant, including but not limited to:

  • An impacted family member;
  • The custodial guardian of an applicant who is a minor child;
  • An individual with legal authority to act on behalf of an eligible applicant who has special needs;
  • Police Services;
  • Children’s Aid Societies;
  • The Victim/Witness Assistance Program;
  • A Sexual Assault or Rape Crisis Centre;
  • A Victim Crisis Assistance Ontario service provider; or
  • A community organization.

Frequently Asked Questions

Program Transition / Change in Agency Service Delivery Agency
Effective April 1, 2023

  1. What if i have an open file or pending intake with Boost CYAC before march 31, 2023?
    Boost Child & Youth Advocacy Centre (Boost CYAC) will maintain carriage of all client/impacted family member files opened prior to April 1, 2023.

  2. What if i would like to change my counsellor already approved by Boost CYAC
    If your file has been opened with Boost CYAC, you may contact Boost CYAC to discuss this request.

  3. Where do i call to refer myself or my child/youth for counselling after April, 1, 2023 
    Please contact Victim Services of Stormont, Dundas, Glengarry & Akwesasne at 1-866-264-8900 or by email at

  4. Who should i call if i wish to resume counselling and access funds that were not been previously used?
    If you were referred to the ICE Program before April 1, 2023 and have remaining funds, please contact Boost CYAC at

NOTE: Registered ICE Service Providers can expect to correspond with both Boost CYAC and Victim Services of Stormont, Dundas, Glengarry and Akwesasne for a period of time after March 31, 2023. This might be to be assigned new clients that were referred before that date or to process invoices for exiting clients.

  1. Where do i send my invoices for payment for existing clients?
    A: If Boost CYAC provided the approval letter for your client, please send invoices to Boost CYAC at If Victim Services of Stormont, Dundas, Glengarry & Akwesasne provided the approval letter for your client, please send invoices to them at

  2. Where do i update my profile or banking information or add a new area of counselling expertise?
    As of April 1, 2023, all approved services providers/counsellors can update their information by contacting Victim Services of Stormont, Dundas, Glengarry & Akwesasne at 1-866-264-8900 or by email at or at

  3. Who do i contact if i would like to become an approved services provider under the ice counselling program?
    If you would like to register as an ICE Service Provider, prior to April 1, 2023 please contact Boost CYAC at If you would like to register as an ICE Service Provider after March 31, 2023, please contact Victim Services of Stormont, Dundas, Glengarry & Akwesasne at 1-866-264-8900 or by email at

  4. After march 31, 2023, will there be changes to the program eligibility criteria, referral process, invoicing process and/or how service providers receive new clients? Will administrative support remain available to registered service providers?
    All eligibility criteria established by the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services remains the same. Victim Services of Stormont, Dundas, Glengarry & Akwesasne will process all incoming referrals and invoices in accordance with existing protocols for connecting and matching clients to approved service providers. For all administrative questions and inquires, please contact us toll free at 1-866-264-8900 or by email at

  5. After march 31, 2023, will victim services of Stormont, Dundas, Glengarry and Akwesasne require additional information and/or documentation from existing and/or potential service providers?
    At this time, Victim Services of Stormont, Dundas, Glengarry & Akwesasne have no plans to make any changes to the information that is currently being collected during the registration process for Service Providers.
  1. Where do i call to make a referral to the ice counselling program after April 1, 2023?
    Please contact Victim Services of Stormont, Dundas, Glengarry & Akwesasne at
    1-866-264-8900 or by email at

  2. What happens to any referrals I made before March 31, 2023?
    Boost CYAC will maintain carriage of all client/impacted family member files opened prior to April 1, 2023. Please contact Boost CYAC at

Community Referrals

Our Service Specialist will help you find a counsellor in your community. The counsellor you choose will be paid directly by the program once your appointments start. With government funding, The ICE Program will provide up to $2,000 towards the cost of counselling per child or youth victim(s), and $1,500 towards the cost of counselling per impacted family member. The cost of the counselling services will be paid directly by Victim Services of Stormont, Dundas, Glengarry and Akwesasne to the treatment provider.

To make a referral to the program please contact our Service Specialist at:

Phone: 613-938-8900
Toll Free: 1-866-264-8900

Contact the ICE Program

Phone: 613-938-8900
Toll Free: 1-866-264-8900

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