

Victim Services of S.D.G. & A. is a charitable organization that receives annual core funding from The Ministry of Children and Community Support Services effective April 2022.

In order to receive this funding, Victim Services of S.D.G. & A. adheres to the Victim Crisis Assistance Ontario model of service provision, volunteer training standards and program accountability.

By donating to our program, you are investing in a service that could be or may have already been used by your employees, clients, family, community members and possibly you. Anyone of us could become a victim of a crime or a tragic circumstance – crime or tragic circumstances do not discriminate. Victim Services of S.D.G. & A. would very much appreciate a monetary or in-kind donation.

If you require additional information, Victim Services welcomes the opportunity to speak to individuals, families or organizations/foundations about our growing role in the community.

We invite you to support our charitable, not for profit organization. All monies donated are directed toward volunteer and victim support. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office at 613-938-8900 or 1-866-264-8900.

For a monetary donation (donations over $5), a charitable tax receipt will be issued for the full value of the donation (cash or cheque).

Charitable Registration Number: 82626 3527 RR0001

You can make a donation by cheque or money order to:

Victim Services SDGA
117 First Street East
Cornwall, Ontario
K6H 1K8