Victim Services of S.D.G. & A. is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing assistance to individuals who have been victimized as a result of a crime or tragic circumstance. Our agency works in partnership with police as well as emergency and other community based services to ensure victims receive the help they need to assist them in the development of their personal path to recovery.
Funding for this Program is provided by the Government of Ontario. The views expressed in the publication are the views of the Recipient and do not necessarily reflect those of the Province.
Victimization is the event or incident leading to a victim state. Victimizing events tend to be of high intensity and short duration (e.g., robbery, assault, serious accident, sudden death). Essentially, there are three stages of victimization:
1. Impact – Initial Reaction
Signs and symptoms of stress to traumatic events such as shock, numbness, helplessness, vulnerability, disorientation, perspiration, physical agitation, disbelief, anger, fear, frustration, confusion, guilt, grief, etc.
2. Recoil
Cognitive attempts to deal with the event
Denial – trying to go on as though nothing has happened
Blaming others
Self-blame – “I must have deserved this”
Obsessive – repeated return to the event and its ramifications
Compensatory fantasies and planning – phobic reactions
3. Reorganization
Return to a state of equilibrium
Victim calls upon supports for help
Focus on life-enhancing rather than simply existing
Obsessive fears and reactions are modulated
Victim is better able to cope with occasional flashbacks
Secondary victimization may occur because the victim is subjected to someone who:
Cannot comprehend what the victim is struggling with
Minimizes or disparages the experience and feelings of the victim
Is in denial of their own losses and therefore it is difficult to recognize someone else’s suffering
Lacks relevant information about post-traumatic stress disorder
Believes in the “Just World Theory” that says the world is rational and the consequences are in accordance with justice (people get what they deserve)