Resources & Information

How to Hide your Internet Activity

The Internet is a great resource for finding information that can help you make decisions about your personal situation.

However, it’s important to realize that the record of your Internet activities does not disappear when you close your browser. If you are concerned that the person abusing you may check up on your Internet activities, there are a few steps you can take to help you cover your tracks, including deleting cookies and clearing your browser history (your cache).

If the person who is abusing, you is good on a computer it may not be safe for you to be visiting sites for abused women. Hide your Internet activities and visit Shelternet from a safer place – the public library, school, an internet café, or your workplace.

Cookies are a way for web sites to track their visitors and their actions. Sometimes this means that the site will “remember” you when you visit again. For example, it may display your first name, which you entered on a previous visit. This is done by storing small bits of information on your computer. It is important to delete cookies when covering your tracks on the internet. Methods for deleting cookies vary depending on the type of computer you are using. To learn how to delete yours, read the instructions later in this section that match your computer system and browser.

Your computer’s cache (pronounced cash) will remember the most recent pages you have visited and store them for quick reloading. Emptying your cache is one way to delete the history of sites you have visited from your computer. Here’s how:

Google Chrome

If you are using Google Chrome:

  1. Press Ctrl+Shift+Delete (Windows) or CMD+Shift+Delete (macOS)
  2. Tick Browsing history, select the time range for which you want to clear it
  3. Click Clear data


If you are using Firefox:

  1. Press Ctrl+Shift+Delete (Windows) or CMD+Shift+Delete (macOS)
  2. Tick Browsing history, select the time range for which you want to clear it
  3. Click Clear data


If you are using Safari:

  1. In the menu at the top of the screen, click History
  2. Click Clear History
  3. Select the period of time for which you want to clear your Safari history
  4. Click Clear History

We have created more detailed instructions to help you hide your internet activities. If you need help to identify your web browser, click the “Help” menu at the top of your browser and click the “About” option.

Once you have determined your computer and browser information, open the instructions that match the kind of computer and browser you have to learn more. If you are unsure about these instructions or your partner is internet savvy, it may be safest to use the Internet in a public space, such as the library, school or Internet cafe.